We had a busy day at the Vision Impairment Networking and Information Day in Hertfordshire last Saturday, raising awareness of Stargardt Disease and sharing everything we do at Stargardt’s Connected!
It was a fantastic opportunity to network with other organisations, and to speak to so many families and hear their stories. The children had lots of fun and were very busy with the arts and crafts activities we had on offer.
It was also lovely to have a visit from Annie Brewster @hertshighsheriff to our stand, where she learnt about the charity and Stargardt Disease, helping to raise awareness.
PD1: a photo of Bhavna and Rosie in yellow t-shirts with the Hertfordshire High Sheriff dressed all in black with a large black hat and a white feather on it. They are standing next to a yellow banner for Stargardt’s Connected.
PD2: a photo of Bhavna and Rosie standing behind a table filled with arts and crafts and Stargardt’s Connected leaflets. They are standing next to a yellow banner for Stargardt’s Connected.
#StargardtsConnected #StargardtsDisease #Stargardt #VisionAwareness #InclusiveNetworking #NetworkingForChange #HertfordshireCharity
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