Bake Sale Toolkit

World Rare Disease Day is on 28th February: a day to raise awareness and shine a light on rare conditions. You can find out more about Rare Disease Day here:
Stargardt’s Disease is classed as a rare condition, affecting around 1 in 10,000 people.
This year we are marking the occasion by asking our Stargardt’s community along with their family, friends or colleagues to hold a Bake Sale to fundraise for Stargardt’s Connected. To get you started we have designed a Rare Disease Day Bake Sale Toolkit with resources to help you organise your event:
- Choose a day and time you want to hold your bake sale.
- We have the following resources you can download:
- Event poster. There are two Event posters, one of which is editable online. This is marked Editable Online on the Toolkit.
- Stargardt’s Information Poster
- Stargardt’s Connected/Rare Disease Day Bunting
Here are our account details for any money raised:
Stargardt’s Connected
Sort Code: 40-20-23
Account Number: 72180723
We would love to see pictures of your event so please email them to: [email protected] and let us know if you are willing for us to share on our social media platforms.
If you do share your event photos on Social Media please do tag us @stargardtsconnected and with the hashtag #StargardtsConnected.
Happy Baking and thank you as always for your support!