Emotional Support

There are a range of services available for emotional support. Here are details of some useful charities and organisations that provide support for blind and visually impaired people and their families.
Gene Vision
RSBC (Royal Society for Blind Children) provide a service for children and young adults from 0-25. They employ Family Engagement Officers who provide counselling for visually impaired children as well as their families. To find out more ring 020 3198 0225 or email [email protected].
For more details about what services the charity, provides visit the website: www.rsbc.org.uk
Metro Blind Sport
Metro is a London based charity. Its aim is to open doors to sport for all vision impaired people, regardless of their age or sporting ability. Their aim is to encourage participation and to create opportunities to take part in a wide range of activities.
Facebook Groups
There are various Stargardt’s Facebook groups you can join:
- U.K. Support Group for Stargardt’s and Juvenile Vision Loss
- Stargardt Disease - Support for Parents
- Stargardt’s Central
- Stargardt’s Support Group
- Stargardt Disease Support Group
VocalEyes are a charity that provide opportunities for blind and partially sighted people to experience the arts at UK’s theatres, museums, galleries and heritage sites.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 020 7375 1043
Victa is a charity that supports young visually impaired and blind children and their families. One of the services they provide is to organise many trips for visually impaired people and their families. Visit their website www.victa.org.uk for more details.
Moorfields Eye Hospital
Moorfields Hospital provide a Family Support Service for patients that are registered with the hospital. They offer emotional and practical support. A referral will need to be done by the clinician to get access to this service.
Tel: 020 7608 3677
Email: [email protected]
Your hospital may have an ECLO (eye clinic liaison officer). The ECLO is available to give support, advice and information at a time that is most helpful to you. They will also help you identify appropriate services for you.
Blind Sport UK
The charity enables blind and partially sighted people to have the same opportunities as sighted people to access and enjoy sport and recreational activities in the UK.
They can give you details of visually impaired sports clubs in your area.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01926 424247
Thomas Pocklington Trust
Thomas Pocklington Trust is a charity committed to increasing awareness and understanding of the needs of people with sight loss, and to developing and implementing services which meet their needs and improve lives.