Professor Frans P. M. Cremers

Professor of Ophthalmogenetics in the Department of Human Genetics in the Radboudumc in Nijmegen, The Netherlands Professor Cremers obtained his doctorate in Nijmegen in 1991, entitled ‘Positional cloning of a…

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Brian Morris

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our oldest Stargardt’s Connected member, Brian Morris who died earlier this year at the age of 92. He was…

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Running the London Marathon

picture of Greg running on a path with woodlands on either side of him.

Thank you so much Greg George for running the 2021 London Marathon on October 3rd to raise funds for Stargardt’s Connected. We are the first and only UK solely Stargardt’s…

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Rob in Lockdown

robert mccann

Rob McCann, one of our Stargardt’s Connected Trustees, needed to find something to occupy himself at the start of lockdown. What started out feeling like an abundance of free time…

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Sarah Stiffin and the London Marathon

crowd of runners at London Marathon

We are extremely grateful and excited for Sarah Stiffin who is running the London Marathon for Stargardt’s Connected. Please support Sarah and the work we do by donating here:…

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Professor Michel Michaelides

Professor Michel Michaelides consultant ophthalmologist at Moorfields Eye Hospital

Medical Advisor for Stargardt’s Connected Michel Michaelides BSc MB BS MD(Res) FRCOphth FACS is a Consultant Ophthalmologist at Moorfields Eye Hospital in the departments of Medical Retina, Genetics and Paediatric…

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