Professor Michel Michaelides

Medical Advisor for Stargardt’s Connected
Michel Michaelides BSc MB BS MD(Res) FRCOphth FACS is a Consultant Ophthalmologist at Moorfields Eye Hospital in the departments of Medical Retina, Genetics and Paediatric Ophthalmology; and is a Professor of Ophthalmology at the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology. He is a recipient of a Career Development Award from the Foundation Fighting Blindness (USA) – an award that is rarely given to non-US applicants; and has gained membership of the Macula Society and Retina Society in the USA.
He has undertaken a Medical Retina and Genetics clinical fellowship at Moorfields Eye Hospital, and a combined Ophthalmic Genetics and Paediatric Ophthalmology clinical and research fellowship at Casey Eye Institute, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon, USA.
His clinical and research interests include diabetic eye disease and inherited eye disease in adults and children; with over 300 peer-reviewed publications and 35 book chapters. He is actively involved in retinal clinical trials investigating novel and established therapies, being a principal investigator in six on-going clinical trials.
We are very grateful to Professor Michaelides for his input and support in advising on medical information for this website.