Toolkit: Exam Skills
Access arrangements for exams to be considered in advance and monitored due to progressive nature of the condition.
Modifications of exams are essential in meeting the needs and making sure the work is accessible.
It is likely that medical information and / or a QTVI assessment will be required to fully identify and support the school or college’s application for access arrangements.
Schools need to show that the access arrangements in place are the CYP’s normal way of working so they should have the same arrangements for in-class assessments or consideration should be taken into account if these cannot be accommodated (e.g. school timetable does not allow for extra time to be provided in all assessments).
Exam arrangements have to be agreed in writing with school AND the exam boards.
Some of the access arrangements that could be agreed by the school and exam board
In their own words
I struggle to finish my exams on time as there is so much reading and scanning to do. The extra time with rest breaks helps me a lot.