Toolkit: Transitions

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A child / young person with Stargardt’s Disease will have different access needs than peers with typical vision. It is important to choose an educational setting which meets as many of these needs as possible, so that they can access all the opportunities on offer.

Plan well ahead of transitions and have a look at many educational settings.

For primary to secondary transitions consider starting to look at secondary provisions in Year 4 / 5. For post-16 transition options start looking in Year 10.

Have a bank of questions prepared beforehand when visiting a setting.

When considering schools, make sure the ethos and values align with your values.

For post-16, consider all options available and go and visit other schools and colleges to get an idea of what they offer. There is no harm in applying for as many colleges / schools as you can, and having a Plan B in case Plan A does not work out.

If moving to a college environment (post-16), speak to the disability team and see what they can offer in the way of pastoral care such as help with commuting to and from college.

Ensure there is a Visual Impairment environmental audit to assess a new setting and prescribe adaptations. This should be done by habilitation specialist, so that any changes can be made prior to the CYP starting.

Training should be given to the CYP for travel to school. Begin early with travel and mobility skills, plus organisation skills necessary for next school setting.

The CYP must be given site-familiarisation opportunities before the beginning of the first term.

A copy of the timetable should be shared with CYP in advance of the September start of term to enable them to become familiar with logistics, and anticipate and prepare for any challenges.

In their own words

My top tip is, if possible, to plan well ahead when transitioning and visit a variety of settings to get an idea of provisions.